Essays have a crucial role when it comes to winning scholarships. Never think that only your test scores or GPA will make you grab a scholarship, but the essay is also critical. When a committee accepts the application, you will become a member of their team. It is, therefore, the duty to know and understand you as an individual and not accept you because you have exceptional qualifications in your academics. Here are some college scholarship essay tips on how to write a scholarship winning essay:
1. Know your audience
It is easy to write things about yourself, but if you want approval, you should write something that other people would like you to. You need to research all the scholarship organizations and know the purpose, activities, and working style. Ensure that you write an essay that revolves around the mission of the organization. If the situation wants candidates with leadership skills, you need to provide some instances where you used your leadership to help achieve other goals or initiatives. You can also read more about some winners of the past in the same scholarship.
2. Provide examples
An excellent way for you to make appointments is to provide examples. You need to write about what you have garnered in terms of education so far. It could be in your school, voluntary work or maybe some extracurricular activities. Ensure that you utilize some words that will help the team visualize your situation. If you are working as you study in school, then ensure that you show them how you balanced your studies and work. If you’ve got skills in public relations and want a medical course, then show them how their skills in public relations will assist you to be a better performer in your field.
3. Be unique
The scholarship essay should be exclusive only to you. You can read other winning articles done by previous applicants but try not to imitate them. Personalize the content that you’re writing and put all your focus on the passion you’re chasing. Right things that will compel your readers to know or understand the importance of the course to you.
4. Understand the main themes
Ensure that you go over there is a statement several times to extract the main themes. For instance, if the information wants you to describe some events that had you demonstrating your leadership to impact the community, then they keep him here will be the community and leadership impact.
5. Use vital keywords
Utilize the keywords that got mentioned in the statement. It will show that you have adhered to the question you have been asked. For instance, if you have keywords of leadership and innovation, you should discuss all the attributes of these elements for about 80% of the essay.
6. Begin the essay with a boost
The first impression always wins, and therefore you need to be careful about what you write in your first sentence. If you believe you can start with some engaging content, then you will understand what’s to input next. You can begin by having a striking statement that will make you know whatever you’re going to put in the essay. You may also use a quote, but you are advised to use your own. Please stay away from famous quotes because other people might use them.
7. Maintain the essay structure
Most of the time, students deviate from the central story and begin explaining a single point. You need to develop your outline and organize all your thoughts together. Sit down and decide the elements you will include in the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. You can always use phrases or sentences that fit within the story. Ensure that each paragraph you start has a new idea, and it is always better to include shorter sections than bulky and hard-to-read blocks. If the lecturer or the committee has not specified the structure you need to use in your paper, then try double spacing your work. You can stick to using the 12-point font, writing in the Times New Roman font, and including margins of 1 inch on the top, side, and bottom margins of the paper.